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Captive Artist


Dane has been painting for a mere nine months, but shows great promise, as his pieces shown here will attest. Stay tuned for more great work by this developing Captive Artist™!

"Art Saved My Life"

My name is Dane. I am 34 years old, and came to prison in 2007. In that time, I have come to learn that prison is not made to help people. The only way to make a change is to work hard and never give up.


Where I found art was not in prison, but from seeing my Dad creating art when I was a kid. But, it was prison that gave me the time and new-found patience to learn. Art has given me a new life, and a chance to stay free when I get out. Most importantly of all, it has made me a better person.


For the past 24 years, my dad and I have had no relationship at all. With art, we have made one, and a new start on so much more. And for the other people in my life – my mom, sister, and girlfriend – their love and belief in me have been a huge part of it all as well. Without their help, I would not be the person I am today.


I know it is a cliché for most people, but it really is true – life is what you make of it.

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